I am sure by now you have noticed that the fire code term "Authority Having Jurisdiction" is painted with a very broad brush. Actually after 31 years of applying the fire code, one thing is for sure . . . people expect their government officials to explain the why, not just the why not!
I remember well as a kid growing up and watching a television show titled, Mayberry RFD. The show was considered a comedy, but always seemed to have a moral to the story. Andy, the town sheriff was wise and well respected. His deputy, Barney however was flighty, unpredictable, and always a law abiding zealot! In fact, Andy knew better than to allow Barney to carry a loaded gun, so the deputy had to carry his one bullet in his shirt pocket. Barney would routinely beg for the least opportunity to load his pistol.
Andy, rarely carried a weapon. He knew that the majority of time the town folk wanted to have an understanding leader, who would only resort to using the full fury of the law for those who deserved it.
One of my favorite times during the show was when Otis, the town drunk needed to sleep off a friday night toot! He had a jail cell prearranged. He simply walked into the cell and slept it off. Andy would never lock the cell door, but given the chance Barney would not only lock the door, but look forward to the next morning so he could rub a tin can side to side on the metal bars causing Otis no end of headache pain.
In fire code enforcement, we can all choose to be an Andy, or a Barney. This is not to say that we should be soft and allow something as serious as an obstructed exit to pass . . . just ask those who experienced the Rhode Island Night Club Fire about code violations. There truly is a time when the badge has to come out, and code enforcement is used to it's fullest.
My purpose is writing this day is to remind us all that "To enforce may be necessary, but to explain can be divine." Think about it.
See ya next week.